Entries by Intercode

Creating a New Employer File

An employer file refers to a database file on your computer’s hard disk drive (or possibly on a network drive) in which all the payroll information relating to a specific employer is stored. The first time your open Intercode Payroll you won’t have any employer files on your computer’s hard drive yet, so the following […]

uFiling Bulk Upload Enhancements

On 08 May 2024 the UIF implemented a number of enhancements to the process of uploading bulk employee declaration information to the uFiling online portal using the UIF’s predefined bulk upload spreadsheet. These enhancements may affect how you export your employees’ UIF declaration information from Intercode Payroll at the end of each month. BACKGROUND Employers […]

New Licensing Policy

Intercode Software will be implementing some changes to our licensing policy for Intercode Payroll. These changes will affect how you activate and use the software and will hopefully improve your overall license management experience. WHAT’S CHANGING? Previously, when you purchased a license for Intercode Payroll you received a product license key that was linked to […]